[Money Today] RE/MAX Korea, real estate service partnership with Pizza Maru [Money Today Mid-term Cooperation Team Reporter Park Sae-rom]Shin Hee-sung, CEO of Remax Korea (2nd from the right in the photo) and Pizza Maru President Ko Gyeong-jin (2nd from the left in the photo) related to real estate services. MOUis taking a commemorative photo / Photo provided by Remax KoreaGlobal real estate company Remax Korea (R.E./MAX Korea) entered into an agreement with pizza franchise company Pizza Maru on the 5th to provide real estate services such as store development at Remax Korea in Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu. MOUIt was announced on the 5th that a (business agreement) had been signed.
Remax Korea this time MOUWe provide real estate services such as real estate purchase and sale, lease and lease, and consulting necessary for starting a business and developing a store.
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